Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'll take the older me.

I often tell myself it’s best to make decisions with my mind. Rather than with my emotions. But I’m not sure about that. Because sometimes my emotions speak louder and more persuasively than my mind. And as a romantic idealist, shouldn’t I often allow my emotions to hold sway? I think so. It’s a delicate balance. And I like to follow my gut instinct. Which is predominantly emotional. And I’m not afraid to make a fool of myself. That’s the nature of love. Causes me to be Crazy Jim. And I don’t regret it. Being ruled more by my heart than by my mind. Wasn’t always that way. During the first 30 years of my life, I was more mindful than emotional. I'm more comfortable with the older me than with the long-gone younger version. --Jim Broede

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