Sunday, June 5, 2011

Some day I'm gonna be a genius.

The nicest thing about writing a blog is that I can write just about anything I want to write. And the way I want to write it. Without an editor butting in. I like that. Because I don’t like to be told what to do. Especially how and what to write. And do you know what? I don’t give a damn if nobody reads what I write. Guess all I want is to satisfy myself. Oh, it’s nice to be read. At least by a few people. But it’s not essential. My writing has helped introduce me to people. A few acquaintances. And friends, too. That’s been rewarding. For me. And for them, too, I think. We appreciate each other. My writing has also introduced me to people that don’t like me. Ones that don’t like what I write. But that’s all right. It doesn’t particularly bother me. I don’t have to be liked. Disagreement can be a good thing. Within decent bounds. If I were writing a daily newspaper column, it’d be very much like my blog. But it’d be a very rare newspaper that would allow me to write like this. Because I’m too unconventional. Unorthodox. And I can be abrasive, too. But then, that may be just what makes such a column popular. Abrasive idiots make a go of it. Take Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck as prime examples. I suspect that much of what they do and say is an act. They really don’t believe all that stuff. They just want to rattle people. And draw an audience of fellow, like-minded idiots. There are plenty of ‘em around. Actually, I’d have a better chance of attracting an audience if I were a certifiable idiot. But I’m too smart for that. At the very least, I qualify for a more lofty status as imbecile or moron. But I have high ambitions. Some day I’m gonna be a genius. –Jim Broede

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