Monday, June 13, 2011

My salvation.

I woke up this morning. With one permeating thought. That my country is rotten to the core. That the USA is an unrepentant war-mongering nation. Oh, maybe not the people per se. But the power elite. The manipulators of government. The media moguls. They are corrupt. Sleazy. In control of America’s destiny. And in the process, they are taking us all over the proverbial cliff. Into an abyss. And that thousands of years from now, historians will look back on this time as gawd-awful. When America and the world went to hell. By ignoring the common good. And instead, serving the special interests of a corrupt few. With the motive of getting monetarily rich. Thinking that was Nirvana. Heaven. Paradise. When really it was the creation of Hell on Earth. Usually, I’m a positive thinker. An optimist. But not today. Today I smell the stench of decay. Rot. Maybe it’s the corpse of my country. And of the world. We are a nation at war. Constantly at war. Killing. Killing. Wasting money. Sacrificing our nation’s soul. That is, if we ever had a national soul. Doing evil deeds. Bringing ruin. Terrible destruction. In uncaring ways. Not giving a damn about the common good. An everybody-for-himself mentality. And there’s nothing I can do about it. Other than be a witness. And let it happen. Except that I still have the power to fall in love. With life. With another being. Yes, making the most and best of the life that remains. In love. That’s my salvation. –Jim Broede

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