Wednesday, June 1, 2011

They'd take it all away.

I don’t want to be totally responsible for myself. I want an assist. From government. Social security. To help me survive in retirement. And Medicare. To make health care more affordable. I need these government-run programs. So do most people. Unless they are very rich. I have great faith in government. To make my life easier. Better. More comfortable. More secure. That’s why I don’t want Republicans to toy with Social Security and Medicare. I want these programs guaranteed. No matter the state of the economy. But Republicans would privatize the programs. By giving us vouchers. To go to private insurance companies. To buy insurance equivalent to government-run Medicare. But it won’t be equivalent. And it won’t be guaranteed. It might end up costing us more than we can afford. Because the insurance companies are out to make profits. Huge and obscene profits. And the insurance companies could deny health coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I don’t like that. I want to keep my Social Security and my Medicare. And I suspect, so do most Americans. Maybe with the exception of a few rich and privileged Republicans. They’d take it all away. And leave the rest of us fend for ourselves. I’d rather have a government that caters to the common good. With much-needed social programs. –Jim Broede

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