Friday, June 17, 2011

Too complex to fix.

I’d fix the world’s economy by redistributing the wealth. In a manner that would take from the rich. So that we’d have fewer poor people. I’d still allow rich people to be relatively rich. But less wealthy than now. It’s a matter of serving the common good. I’d try to eliminate poverty. Albeit, that may be an impossibility. But at least it’s a decent goal. I’d also aim for universal health care. Socialized medicine. Something akin to Medicare for everyone. Through a single-payer system. That seems to make economic and practical sense. I’m for social programs that bring the basic necessities of life to everyone. Which means that if someone is out of work, he’ll still have the essentials to survive. It’s the humane and decent thing to do. I know that some modern-day capitalists will say that it ain’t society’s responsibility to care for everyone. That people should learn to care for themselves. Sort of a survival of the fittest mentality. But I see nothing wrong with helping the less fit. The less fortunate. Because often it’s through no fault of their own. It’s random chance. Maybe they were born with the wrong genes. Or they were dealt with bad luck. Of course, I’m a dreamer. I see solutions to problems. Only thing is, they ain’t all very practical. Or realistic. The world is the world. And I ain’t god. So I’m not going to do much to change the world. Come to think of it, even god seems helpless. Or uncaring. Maybe he created a world that’s too complex to fix. –Jim Broede

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