Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Crazy Jack has returned.

My long-lost son Jack (actually, stepson) showed up yesterday. On my doorstep. That was a surprise. He’s been living all over, I guess. Most recently in Olympia, Washington. I hadn’t seen him since several years before his mother died in January 2007. So maybe it’s been close to 10 years. I recognized him, despite a bushy mustache that makes him look like an old man. Actually, he’s about 50. Anyway, it’s nice seeing him. He showed up with his girlfriend. And they’ve pitched a tent in the yard. They’ve decided to spend much of the summer in Minnesota. Before returning to Olympia. Where he has a big boat, which he describes as a cruiser, that he wants to launch. After making necessary repairs. His girlfriend has encouraged him to renew family ties. Which is good. He’s got a lot of renewing to do. Especially with his sister. I gave him her cell phone number. And I trust he’ll make contact. Jack is his own man. Like me, in that sense. He doesn’t always acquiesce to other people’s dictates and wishes. And like me, he could be classified as crazy. But crazy in a different way. In his own way. I generally like people that are crazy. Good crazy. I’m turned off by people who insist on living a completely sane life. They tend to be very dull people. Well, Jack is interesting. And goofy. I guess that’s what makes him Jack. –Jim Broede

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