Monday, July 18, 2011

For the sake of a deal.

Barack Obama is a complicated human being. I suppose the important thing is that he’s human. That’s more important than the complicated part. Maybe it’s that Obama is a creation of a mixed marriage. A white mother. A black father. A delicate balance of two cultures. Two ways of life. So maybe his willingness to compromise should come as no surprise. Even to liberals like me. Yes, that can be annoying at times. Very annoying. Seeing Obama give in to Republicans. To conservatives. To idiots. Just for the sake of compromise. For the sake of fairness. But the problem is that Obama is dealing with politicians that are grossly unfair. Obama would try to bring god and the devil together. To try to work something out. He wants black people and white people to get along. Even if that means being unfair to his black constituents and his liberal colleagues. Obama can be perceived by some as selling his soul. For the sake of a deal. –Jim Broede

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