Monday, July 4, 2011

The good life in an unfolding story.

My decisions have affected many, many lives. And other people’s decisions have affected my life. Significantly. In both cases. For instance, take the year 1965. In August, I had come back to the Midwest from Florida. And I had two job offers. One in Delavan in southeast Wisconsin. The other in Forest Lake in Minnesota. I could have chosen either job. Quite easily. And if I had chosen Delavan my whole life may have been dramatically different. If for no other reason than the cast of characters in my life would have been different. I wouldn’t have met Jeanne. Maybe someone else instead. I would have been in different places at different times. And that would have changed many lives. Not only my life. But the lives of multiple others. Most likely, world events would have been virtually the same. Barack Obama would still be president. The scores of the Chicago Cubs games would have been the same. No matter whether I was in Forest Lake or Delavan. But life would have been different, maybe quite different, for me and the cast of characters around me. We would have affected each other. By our mere presence. I would have never known Jeanne. I would not have spent last winter living in Sardinia. With my second true love. My whole life, and the lives of others, would have been different. Maybe dramatically different. I might not even be alive. But here I am. Writing my blog. Posting another thought, another thread. Thinking. About what might have been. And what is. And I’m satisfied. That life is basically good. No matter the outcome of the unfolding story. –Jim Broede

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