Sunday, July 17, 2011

My own world, so to speak.

I’d take all the money we spend on national defense, and pour it into something better. Maybe education. Or the creation of jobs. Things that put people back to work. Or make them more versatile. Better educated. Of course, some people, especially Republicans, will tell me that’s too risky. We need to defend ourselves against enemies. But I suspect we are our own worst enemy. By spending money on the wrong things. The wrong priorities. We Americans could be so much better off if we hadn’t spent a fortune and wasted lives on obscene wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But we never learn. Maybe it’s a case of national insanity. America resembles a lunatic asylum. Especially in Washington. In Congress. Guess I accept it. Because I don’t have a choice. Really. Life is what it is. I can’t change the lunacy. It’ll always be with us. Meanwhile, I try to carve out my own life. Let things happen around me. The things over which I have virtually no control. And make the best of life. My own life. I don’t allow the insanity to drag me down. Instead, I create my own reality. My own world, so to speak. –Jim Broede

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