Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Better late than never.

I’m able to create my own little world. No matter where I go. I can live in relative isolation. Alone. Or with my true love. Maybe that’s the nicest thing about life. The ability to get away. To sort of hide. I can even block out news reports. And lose track of what’s happening in the rest of the world. I don’t need to know. Because I can’t do anything about it. And the less I know, the happier I am. Besides, many of the news reports are inaccurate. And the commentaries tend to be asinine. So nice that I’m retired. And don’t have to work to make a living. Thank gawd for social security and a pension. Of course, it’s also nice to have good health. Maybe health is more important than anything. Because that helps me stay mentally and physically active. I know I’m running out of years. Out of time. I once dreaded the thought of growing old. But it sure beats the alternative. Dying young. And I don’t worry about it. Because I’ve learned to live one day at a time. Which I should have done when I was young. But better late than never. –Jim Broede

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