Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Germans have the lowest unemployment rate in Europe. Maybe because the Germans are ingenious and humane. Many German companies, at the behest of their government, have reduced the work week and pay of their employees by 20 percent. That affords the companies the opportunity to hire more employees. The unemployed suddenly become employed. Although everyone is earning a little bit less. But think of it. The Germans are serving the common good. Setting an example for the rest of us. And in the Fresno School District in California, the $280,000-a-year superintendent of schools persuaded his school board to fire him, and then rehire him as superintendent for $31,000-a-year, the beginning pay for a teacher. That allows the school district to spend his old salary on education that directly benefits the students. Wow! Meanwhile, in our nation's capitol, Republicans refuse to vote for nominal tax increases for millionaires and billionaires. Instead, Republicans are annoyed that many of our poor people don't pay any income taxes. Of course, that's for good reason. They can't afford to pay because they are living hand-to-mouth. A fact that seems to escape the scrutiny of heartless idiots, also known as Republicans. --Jim Broede

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