Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I've thought it out.

I am capable of saying the right things and the wrong things. Of making people feel happy or sad. A gamut of emotions. I like to be able to do that. My aim isn't always to make people feel good. I want some people to feel bad. Because that's good -- for them. Because it makes them think. Maybe even to change their ways. But then, that isn't necessarily my aim. I may just say things for the hell of it. Without knowing the effect. In other words, I'm not required to think before I speak. But still, I am a thinker. I think a whole lot. Daily. It's one of my favorite pastimes. I was born to think. But not every minute of the day. I take non-thinking breaks. Because I think that's a good thing. I've thought it out. --Jim Broede

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