Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shame on us.

The Republicans are good at blaming Obama for lack of jobs. For the high unemployment rate. But the Republicans control Congress. And they’ve done absolutely nothing to create more jobs. Instead, they just sit on their hands. And put the blame on Obama. The economy and the job situation went sour during the George Bush administration. Yes, during a time that the Republicans controlled the White House. And the Republicans let Bush get away with disastrous spending policies. We’re in a mess today because of the Republicans. And they try to keep heaping the blame on Obama. Hoping that the American people are idiots, and that they buy such bull shit. Fact of the matter is that many of ‘em will. Because so very many Americans are stupid. Maybe even a majority. They can be swayed. By stupid sound bites. By Republican babble. For the most part, I suspect, we Americans don’t take much like for politics. We get on with our lives. The issues seem abstract. Confused. We don’t stop to analyze how we’re being manipulated. We’re told that the American way of life is the best in the world. That we are lucky to be Americans. That we should be proud. Like I say, it’s mostly bull shit. We fall for that crap. Hook, line and sinker. Shame on us. –Jim Broede

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