Monday, August 22, 2011

Time to have faith in yourselves.

I’m assuming that being fat is an option. One can choose. To be fat, or not to be fat. I’ve been reading a thread on the Alzheimer’s message boards. With the exception of me, I think all of the posters are women. Overweight. To varying degrees. They complain that it’s difficult to stop eating. Because of the stress of care-giving. And I give advice. Probably advice that most of ‘em don’t wanna hear. They’d rather that I commiserate. And tell ‘em, “Poor, babies. I understand.’ But I don’t coddle them. Instead, I proclaim: Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. I've been addicted to exercise. For a long, long time. If not walking or jogging or running, it's bicycling. I've put 5,000 miles on my bicycle in less than 5 months. I have no weight problem. And it's relaxing. And when I was a care-giver, it relieved much of the stress. Take 20 minutes here. And 30 minutes there. It adds up. And it'll make you feel good about yourself. Start slowly. And work up to it. It's a positive addiction. Reading good books can be positive, too. And writing, too. Try psychoanalyzing yourself. And fall in love with life. Makes care-giving more tolerable. I know all this stuff is easier said than done. But it ain't impossible. Oh, and another thing. Dream. Romantic thoughts. Dreams come true. When you set your mind to it. Believe me, this is not Pollyanna stuff. It works. Start today. Build up to it. Take charge of your life. You can do it. Even in the worst of times. But you gotta believe. You gotta have faith. I have faith in you. Now get going. At least there's someone that has faith in you. Time for you to have faith in yourselves. –Jim Broede

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