Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Better than being a mere tourist.

I like the challenge of adapting to life in Italy. And particularly, adapting to life in Sardinia. By living there much of the year. With my Italian true love. I know there are many ways to go about it. Not the least being to learn the language. But foremost, I'll try to savor something from each day. So that if I choose, I can sit down every night, and write about the day. An experience or two. An impression. Like I do now. By writing in my blog. But starting in October, I'll be writing while I'm in Italy. Trying to glean something significant. And worthwhile. I won't allow language to be a barrier. I'll be alert. Watchful. Observant. Thoughtful. Inquisitive. That's what makes life meaningful. To be aware. And to think about what I am seeing and experiencing. Interesting. My introduction to Italy. Much of it comes from my true love. And that's the way I want it. I am seeing Italy through her. To a large degree. That's an advantage. A big advantage. Better than being a mere tourist. --Jim Broede

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