Monday, September 26, 2011

The duping of the middle class.

Maybe we are headed for a double dip recession. Not only in the USA. But in Europe and other places. I wonder why. If there's a solid and viable explanation. Maybe it's a sign that capitalism doesn't work. And there must be a better system. Of course, not everyone is hurting. Rich people generally have survived the recession. In better shape than when it started. They have made money. Big corporations, too, have been showing record profits during the recession. It's the middle class and the poor that keep coming up short. Old-fashioned capitalism protects only the ruling elite. The rich. The rich always seem to find ways to get richer. At the expense of the rest of us. Evidenced by the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Time to do something about it. By scrapping capitalism. And devising an economic system that serves the common good. Rather than merely serving the rich. That's been the problem from the beginning of time. A world divided between the haves and the have-nots. There's always been an upper class. An elite. The wielders of power. Even in so-called democracies. The ruling elite fool the masses. By duping the poor and middle class. Making 'em think that they really have a say. With their votes. But their votes aren't meaningful. Because money is power. The rich power brokers call the shots. Buying their way to power. --Jim Broede

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