Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Maybe he's the happiest man alive.

I suspect that many of us are into life way over our heads. Overwhelmed. Tackling more than we can reasonable handle. And that's why things go wrong. We try to do too much. But the wise ones are more laid back. Put limits on themselves. And find idle time. In a sense, do nothing for a while. Take time off. To savor just being. Not feeling that everything on the agenda has to be accomplished. That it's all right to be lazy. And not so ambitious. But some people are trapped. Such as Barack Obama. Or for that matter, anybody who ever was president. It took a bigger toll than they imagined. Look at Obama. He's aged considerably in his two years in the White House. He coveted the job. But soon learned that it entailed more than he imagined. Made him feel overwhelmed. He could accomplish only so much. Because he was caught up in the nasty political system. And now he may even be secretly wishing that he doesn't win a second term. So that he can sort of retire. Slow down. And spend more time with his family. Away from politics. But then again, maybe Obama wouldn't trade his life for anything. Maybe he's not overwhelmed. Maybe he's the happiest man alive. --Jim Broede

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