Sunday, September 11, 2011

An escape from a worst nightmare.

The last thing I'd ever want to be is a super patriot. No way would I ever pledge undying allegiance to America, or any nation. That would be absolutely silly. Ridiculous. Overly patriotic people do far more harm than good. They operate with closed minds. They take patriotic stances just for the sake of it. Like the Nazis did in Nazi Germany. Imagine Nazis being stupid enough to die for Adolph Hitler. Or for their fatherland. It's all right to be sentimental about one's country. But hey, one should draw a line. I'd abandon my country if I thought it had gone dreadfully awry. At the very least, I'd take issue with my country's policies. Such as waging an immoral war. I'd work for change. But if I couldn't achieve it, I might well flee. To another country. Of course, my biggest fear is that the entire world goes awry. So that there's no place to go any more. That's my worst nightmare. But if that happened, maybe I could burrow underground. Or hide out in a remote primeval forest. Or on an isolated mountain top. -Jim Broede

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