Sunday, September 11, 2011

A funny way for me to go.

I generally avoid people who are serious all of the time. I encourage them to lighten up. Some do. Some don't. I annoy people. Because I fairly often tell jokes. Even at funerals. Because I think that's what the dearly departed would want me to do. They'd abhor me coming to the funeral to sob. Laughter often quells sadness. When I think of my dear Jeanne, she brings laughter far more often than tears. She was a good influence on me. Because she knew how to take a lighthearted approach to life. I know a handful of people who I've never seen laugh. Sad, isn't it? But I even laugh about that. I refuse to be sad merely because other people are sad. Seems to me there are vast amounts of comedy. Even in tragedy. Take the American political system, for instance. It's tragic. But still, it's funny. I get comic relief by watching politicians. Their babble is so outlandish that I have to laugh. Right in their frowning faces. If I didn't know how to laugh, I'd probably die of sadness. That would be a funny way for me to go. --Jim Broede

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