Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to avoid being annoyed.

Doesn't bother me that I annoy some people. Because a goodly number of people deserve to be treated in annoying ways. After all, they have annoying personalities. I try to not let people annoy me. And for the most part, I succeed. But if I think they are annoying other people that I like, I occasionally decide to annoy them. Just for the hell of it. Because that gives me satisfaction. Gives them a taste of their own distasteful medicine. Maybe that makes me cruel and insensitive. But that's often the nature of annoyance. I have to be that way. To fully practice annoying ways. So I don't let it bother me. Because I do it with purpose. By grand design. For maximum effect. To accomplish my goal. I especially like to annoy people who lack a sense of humor. By dousing them with my grating type of annoying humor. I try to get them to laugh at themselves. But they steadfastly refuse. Because they are too annoyed to laugh. That's sort of sad. Because if they laughed at themselves, they'd no longer be annoyed. --Jim Broede

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