Thursday, September 15, 2011

Maybe in a monastery. Far, far away.

I wonder if Barack Obama really knows who he wants to be. He's accomplished so much. Becoming president of the USA. But now maybe he doesn't know what to do. Now that he's arrived. In this fairy tale existence. I wonder if he feels overwhelmed. Unable to decide what to do next. Maybe he can't even believe that he's living in the White House. I suspect that Obama feels trapped inside himself. He's told that being president makes him the most powerful man in the world. But it really ain't so. Unless he knows how to exercise power. And he doesn't. Maybe he's even fearful of power. Of making mistakes. Of truly devising a plan. A political agenda that really works. I suspect that's the way I'd feel. Because I'm not a natural born politician. I really don't want power. At least, not political power. I want a spiritual kind of power. I'd be a misfit as president. In the wrong place. At the wrong time. Out of my league. Wondering how I ever got there. Let alone, deciding what to do next. Maybe that's Obama, too. He doesn't know how to deal with politicians. And their cronies. Most of 'em mean-spirited bastards. I suspect that Obama is telling himself he wants out. Sooner rather than later. He wants desperately to lose the 2012 election. He wants out of the insane asylum. So that he can return to a comfortable environs again. Maybe in a monastery. Far, far away. --Jim Broede

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