Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Too smart. Too meek. Too black.

I'm disappointed. About politics. Knowing that there's nothing I can do to affect change. What's gonna happen is gonna happen. And it may well be that Obama doesn't get re-elected in 2012. Makes me wonder if we'd have been better off with Hilary Clinton. Maybe she would have been more feisty than Obama. And stood up to Republicans much more forcefully. Unfortunately, Obama has two strikes against him. Merely because he's black. That's why Republicans treat him so rudely. They see red when they see black. They would show far more respect if he were white. That means Hilary would get respect. Because she's white. Maybe a little disrespect from male Republicans. Because she's a woman. But still, more respect than if she were black. You gotta be a white male to gain full respect among Republicans. And you've gotta be negative about your opponent. Bad mouth 'em all the time. Blame the opponent for everything. For the bad economy. For the bad weather. For famine. For earthquakes. For pestilence. Doesn't matter that Republican administrations and Republican congresses got us into all these messes. Because Republicans know how to play the blame game. They inundate a gullible and stupid public with bull shit. Enough to win elections. Democrats are too nice. They don't fight back with the same nasty mean spirit that typifies the Republicans. That makes Obama an easy prey. An easy pushover. He's too intellectual. Too meek. Too accommodating. Too black. --Jim Broede

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