Thursday, November 24, 2011

Despite her silly cautionary advice.

I'm cautioned by my true love that I exercise too much. That my regimen isn't good for a 76-year-old man. But I pooh-pooh that idea. Exercise keeps me in good physical condition. Keeps me alive. I exercise more than my true love. And I suggest that she doesn't exercise enough. That she's too sedentary. A daily workout would do no harm. By the way, she's a good swimmer. Very good. Could easily be mistaken for a beautiful mermaid. But she hardly ever swims these days. Used to. Anyway, my true love tried to get me to sit down after I returned from a brisk 6-mile walk. I averaged a 14-minute mile. Instead of resting, I climbed on the stationary bicycle and pedaled another 10 miles. And I'm about to go out for a 3-mile walk. On my way to the grocery store. To buy healthy food for supper tonight. So that I have stamina tomorrow. I wanna walk 10 miles at a brisk pace. Because I'm addicted. To exercise. And to my charming true love. Despite her silly cautionary advice. --Jim Broede

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