Thursday, November 17, 2011

Far better things to focus on.

I'm leading a sheltered life here in Sardinia/Italy. Sheltered in large part to the goings-on in America. And it's a welcome relief. I've been annoyed with America. For a long time. There are things I like about America. The land. The nature. The scenery. The wildlife. But I despise the politic. And the social climate. The ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. I feel more comfortable where I am. On an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Where the language is Italian. So that when I watch TV, it's Italian I hear. Which allows me to guess about what's happening in America. Sometimes, I would just as soon not know. Because I can't do anything to change the American politic. I've gotta live with it. That is, if I were living in the U.S. But I'm able to distance myself. I take a daily peek at the New York Times. On-line. Read mostly the editorial page. The columnists. And I look at liberal slants. To boost my morale. I occasionally observe the antics of Republican stalwarts who want to be president. Indeed, they are laughable. But one of 'em could win the presidency. Could defeat Barack Obama. Thinking that maybe Mitt Romney has a chance. If that happens, it'll be gawdawful. But not as gawdawful if others in the Republican ranks became president. I'm still hopeful that Obama gets a second term. That would give me reason to return to America. At least for part-time living. I can see myself living 6 months in Sardinia, and 6 months in Minnesota. As long as I buffer myself from the world of politic. I have far better things to focus on. --Jim Broede

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