Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Floating thru life on a soft cushion.

Sardinia has the most beautiful clouds in the world. Mostly puffy clouds. With different shades of white, gray and black. Often a blend of 'em all at any given moment. The big black clouds look ominous. Like they'll burst loose with a torrential downpour. But more often than not, it's all a bluff. No more than a sprinkle. Or absolutely nothing. But I generally carry an umbrella. Just to be safe. But a sudden burst of wind can turn an umbrella inside out in a second. That's all right. I don't mind getting rained on from pretty clouds. And oh, the sunsets. The clouds turn red and pink and gold. I'm trying to think when's the last time I saw a completely cloudless day in Sardinia. Maybe never. But that's all right. Clouds make me feel like I'm floating thru life on a soft cushion. --Jim Broede

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