Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Forever, on the best of days.

I like to be methodical. Not always. But often enough. To put me at ease. When I'm methodical, I slow down. Take my time. Think things out. When I was a youngster, I was groomed to be in a hurry. To do things right away. Fast. Thought that was the way I'm supposed to be. But now I know better. I'm my own man. I do things the way I want to. Methodically. If that's the way I feel at the moment. I refuse to bend to pressure. To hurry up. That annoys people around me who are in a hurry. Always in a hurry. They want me to hurrry, too. And often to spite them, I slow down more than usual. Because I wanna dictate the pace. My pace. I'm trying to build a reputation. For being slow. For instance, I'm an especially slow eater. Takes me an hour or more to consume supper. I don't eat more than most other people. Just that I eat it slowly. Ever so slowly. To make it last. For the sake of savoring the pleasure of well-prepared food. When I fall asleep, I like to do it slowly. In a relaxed manner. As if I'm drifting, drifting, drifting on a cloud. The same goes for waking up. Nice to stay in bed for an extra 15 minutes. To marvel at how it feels to be rested. And to think slowly of the pleasures planned for the coming day. I'm in no hurry to get through the day. I want to make it last. Forever, on the best of days. --Jim Broede

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