Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm entertaining, too, you know.

I watch Italian television. Because my true love has it turned on. Often in the evening. When we're still at the dinner table. I don't understand much Italian. The actual words. But I still catch the gist of stuff. Especially when it's a political program. I know the faces. The good guys. The bad guys. I especially like the communists and other leftists. They look intelligent. They sound intelligent. The conservatives are jerks. They shout. At each other. Don't give the other guy a chance to speak. Sounds a lot like American politicians. Italians speak with their hands, too. As if they're directing an orchestra. In an emotional way. Stand near an Italian, and you are in danger of getting hit. By hand gestures. It's best to stand back a ways. At least an arm's length away. There's a soap opera on in the evening. Once again, I can tell the good guys and gals from the bad ones. Just the way they look. The evil ones have evil looks. They sound evil, too. Just from the tone of their voices. I can make calculated guesses about what everyone is saying. And since I don't understand Italian, I'm free to put words into their mouths. I make up story lines. Which may be better than the actual lines. I'm learning to be entertained. Easily. I'm entertaining, too, you know. --Jim Broede

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