Monday, January 23, 2012

Enough to keep me happy.

I make sense of the world by making sense of my own life. Basically, I decide how I'm gonna fit in. Often, by not fitting in. By deviating from the norm. From what's expected of me. Means I often have to go it alone. Retreat to my cocoon. Maybe only with my Italian true love. But that's all right. I don't need lots of company. Because I'm sort of a loner. Though I like people. Very much. Because I'm curious. But I don't necessarily need a whole lot of people in my life. Maybe that sounds like a contradiction. Guess it's that ultimately, I focus on one other. My true love. I've had two of 'em in my lifetime. Seems to me I can handle only one true love at a time. In order for it to be truly true. Another thing. I can be alone without being lonely. Because I'm really not alone. I have myself. And the spirits. And even the abstract called god. Most of all, I have an imagination. In many ways, I create my own world. Imaginatively. And I'm able to write. A poem. A love letter. A simple thought. That's enough to keep me happy. --Jim Broede

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