Friday, January 6, 2012

If she happens to be my true love.

For the most part, I ain't gonna change my ways to please other people. Guess I'm not a pleaser. I also don't expect others to change their ways to please me. Call it a live-and-let-live philosophy. I try to not bother others. As long as they don't bother me. I make exceptions to my rules. For instance, if shown that I've treated someone unfairly or indecently, I'll try to change my way. And make things right. Chances are, I did it inadvertently. Not intentionally. Although I am capable of being indecent or unkind to someone who's being indecent and unkind. Not necessarily to me. But to others. Guess it's a little bit like the golden rule. Treat others the way you wanna be treated. Of course, I have a relatively thick skin. So I can take a fair amount of verbal abuse. But I draw the line at physical abuse. I want none of it. I have to admit that I may occasionally change my way. Just to please someone. If she happens to be my Italian true love. --Jim Broede

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