Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm bullshit-proof.

Don't give me real bullshit. Lots of people do. I'm all right with bullshit. If it's meant as humor. But too often, it ain't. Because some people are just plain full of bullshit. That's all they spew. I've been known to bullshit people. But always in a humorous vein. As a put-on. With a straight face. My tongue firmly implanted in my cheek. But some people are mighty serious about their bullshit. They might even believe it themselves. Because that's the only thing they are full of. Real bullshit. There's nothing else to 'em. They are full of bullshit from stem to stern. I grant that some people are only half full of bullshit. Or even only a quarter full. But still, it's real bullshit. And they use it to try to con me. But I'm not taken in. Because I know bullshit when I see it. When I smell it. When I hear it. I try not to use bullshit maliciously or for negative purposes. But rather to counter true blue bull-shitters. The ones with little, if any, redeeming traits. Anyway, believe me, I have a nose, an innate sense, for bullshit. I can spot it from a distance. One might say, I'm bullshit-proof. I'm not taken in. --Jim Broede

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