Monday, January 30, 2012

To not feel obligated.

I want people to do me favors. Little favors. Not big favors. Because I don't like to impose on people. A big favor is imposing. A little favor --well, that's exactly what it is. Little. Doesn't take much doing. I can tell the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. A friend will do me a little favor. An acquaintance won't. Or at best, will do it reluctantly. I'm capable of doing my dearest friends big, big favors. Because they are extra special. But I don't want them to do me big favors. Other than being honest. I don't like dishonest people. So they probably aren't my friends in the first place. Anyway, I know people who rarely do anyone a favor. Big or little. They're strictly selfish people. Some of 'em know it. At least they're honest about it. They are selfishly honest. And there's something to be said for that. Better than being dishonestly selfish. I'm amused by people. When I ask them for a favor. Often, it's people I've bestowed favors upon. Fairly often. Mostly little favors. Maybe an occasional big favor. Some of 'em don't always wanna return the favors. But that's all right. Because I like them to be free. To not feel obligated. --Jim Broede

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