Saturday, February 25, 2012

Faraway from Rick Santorum.

Comedian and political commentator Bill Maher puts it this way: 'Watching the Republican field and the 20 debates they've had and the bubble of insanity they live in. Half the country is nuts, and Obama could very well lose. He may not have been the best president in his first term, but given the alternative, I feel there's a clear choice.' Maher is warning his liberal friends to not take for granted that Obama will win a second term. Even if the Republicans put up a loony against him. Because half of Americans are nuts. Crazy. And I agree with that assessment. I talk to everyday Americans daily. And they are crazy. Devout conservatives. People who have lost their minds. It's scary. I live in a congressional district here in normally liberal Minnesota that has twice elected Michele Bachmann. Shameful. Shameful. Shameful. So don't tell me that Obama can't lose. He could easily lose. Because America is going insane. Imagine a Rick Santorum or a Mitt Romney as president. An inmate running the asylum. I live in a neighborhood where I'm overwhelmingly outnumbered by the inmates. Bachmann supporters. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. If my worst nightmare becomes real, I'll leave the U.S. for good. Give me Sardinia. An island in the Mediterranean Sea. A haven for liberals. Paradise. Faraway from the likes of Rick Santorum. --Jim Broede

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