Saturday, February 25, 2012

They earn their keep.

My Italian true love won't like me writing about it. But hey, still it's worth mentioning. Because it's a bit out of the ordinary. Rats have invaded the school where she teaches. In Sardinia. So the school has been closed for three days this week. While the exterminators move in. The nicest thing about it. She gets three days off. Unexpectedly. And I tell her, take advantage of it. Enjoy those three days. Like it's a gift. Meanwhile, I'm curious. How will they get rid of the rats? Apparently, poison. My true love has never personally seen a rat in the school. So they must lurk behind the walls. Maybe in the ceilings. Personally, I don't like the thought of rats. Though I know people who keep rats as pets. But they are little cuddly white rats. Guess there are all kinds of rats. I don't even like the thought of a mouse. Especially in my house. Occasionally, a mouse ventures in. But not for long. My cats Loverboy and Chenuska. Well, they're natural born mouse exterminators. They earn their keep. --Jim Broede

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