Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I know that right is wrong.

Virtually all of my neighbors are Republicans. So maybe I was trying to stir 'em up. Upon my return from winter in Sardinia. I let 'em know that Sardinia is a hotbed/haven for socialists and communists. And that I found that very refreshing. That I'm very comfortable around leftists. Of course, I also try to be comfortable around Republicans. Afterall, it's important to be friendly to those on the other side of the political spectrum. I josh with them. About politics. And we look askance at each other. Anyway, Republicans generally tell me that socialism has failed. And I reply, "Are you telling me that capitalism has succeeded?' And I point to the many failures of capitalism. It's why the world is in such dire economic straits, isn't it? It's why there's an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. It's why the middle class is fast disappearing. Yes, I'm saying that capitalism has become obscene. Immoral. A blight on human decency. Meanwhile, it's been socialist programs that have benefited society and helped masses of people. Social security. Public education. Socialized medicine. Our salvation in troubled times, particularly, have been socialist-devised programs. I don't deny that capitalism has helped people get richer. Helped them become millionaires and billionaires. Helped big companies post record big profits, even during a recession. Yes, they do it at the same time that they pay workers record-low wages. Often moving from the USA in order exploit workers. But this doesn't sway my Republican neighbors. They've been turned into robots. They follow the party line. They march in lockstep to the polls. And vote Republican. Because it's the American, capitalist thing to do. Unquestioned. They are of the notion that the right wing is the right (correct) wing. I know better. I know that right is wrong. --Jim Broede

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