Friday, February 3, 2012

Not as hurtful as sticks & stones.

Verbal abuse doesn't really bother me. Maybe it used to. Years and years ago. But I have learned to put mere words into perspective. Words are just that. Words. Yes, they can be meaningful. But when they come from an angry mouth or from an idiot -- well, they can be funny. Just depends on how one chooses to take the words. And one must consider the source. Could be that the words emanate from the mentally disturbed. Or from someone with a limited vocabulary. I can forgive verbal abuse. Relatively easy. Especially if aimed at me, and not at others. I draw the line with physical abuse. Don't get physical with me. Won't stand for it. No empathy or sympathy for physically violent people, period. Not likely to turn my cheek even once -- that is, when it comes to physical violence. As for the verbal stuff, I may turn the cheek a time or two or three. Because I love language. And the varied uses it's put to. I'm the curious sort. Wondering why people choose the words they choose. As kids, we used to chant 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can't hurt me.' That isn't totally true. Words can and do hurt. If one allows them to. They might hurt if the taunt comes from a loved or respected one. But if from someone lacking my respect, they're often stupid words. Not as hurtful as sticks and stones. --Jim Broede

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