Thursday, March 15, 2012

Doing the right thing.

Sorry if this offends rich people. I want them to pay more to support the rest of us. For the common good. I want more social programs. For those of us who choose not to be rich, monetarily speaking. I want everyone moreorless guaranteed the basic necessities of life. Shelter. Decent medical care. A good education. A pension/social security. And let's tax everyone to make this possible. But let's especially tax the rich. I have nothing against the rich staying rich. But maybe not as rich as they are now. Just a little less rich. To make all this possible. Yes, I'm for redistributing some of the wealth. Because some rich people and big corporations are reaping obscene profits. And exploiting the underclasses. America isn't a poor nation. There's plenty of wealth. But it's mostly in the hands of relatively few people. The millionaires and the billionaires. They have far more than they need. So let's spread it around. In ways that benefit society as a whole. Serving the common good. I know this isn't a popular idea with the wealthy. But it's the right thing to do. --Jim Broede

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