Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm a multi-umbrella man.

I bought an umbrella today. For less than a dollar. At the local thrift store. I have several umbrellas. And I really don't need another. But hey, it was a bargain. And often I find it difficult to pass up a bargain. Of course, I try to justify such a purchase. Because my other umbrellas may wear out. But also, it may be wise to distribute my collection of umbrellas. I have two cars. Might put an umbrella in each trunk. And I could ask my friends if they need umbrellas. And make them a gift. And having umbrellas of multiple colors and designs will give me more opportunity to be well-coordinated when I go out in the rain. I'll take the umbrella that best matches my clothes. Yes, buying that umbrella was the right decision. --Jim Broede

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