Saturday, March 24, 2012

Take your choice.

Maybe the world is turning topsy-turvy. For the past 10 days or so, we've been getting daily temperatures 20 to 40 degrees above normal. In Minnesota. Where I live. Normally about this time of year I'd expect a snowstorm or two. Wet, heavy snow. Maybe followed by bitter cold air. The lake I live on has been free of ice. For two weeks. Meanwhile, I spent a couple weeks in Arizona. And I had to don a coat. The kind I'd normally wear in Minnesota. It was darn cold. I watched the Chicago Cubs play an exhibition game in Mesa, and the temperature was 58 degrees. At the same time, the temperature in Chicago was 84 degrees. Yes, maybe the world is turning upside down. I suppose if one lives in Minnesota, one starts believing in global warming. But if one is in Arizona, maybe a case can be made for global cooling. Take your choice. --Jim Broede

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