Monday, April 30, 2012

On becoming an explorer.

Dennis is gone. And there's new owners in what was his domicile on the lake for 20 years. He's back in the Detrot area. Where he grew up. In the two decades that Dennis lived in the neighborhood, I didn't know his name. But before he left, I learned not only his name, but interesting stuff. Dennis is becoming a world traveler. Better late than never. He's been to Albania. Recently. For the wedding of his son. To an Albanian. Albania ain't that far from Italy. Where I'm living half of the year with my Italian true love. In fact, Albania is just across the Adriatic Sea. Strange, isn't it? That I decided to get to know a little about Dennis. Just before he pulled up stakes. And left. I suggested that Dennis read my blog. It's a way to stay in touch with his fond, old neighborhood. And maybe he'd even read about himself. By the way, Dennis, many of your neighbors were surprised and pleased to learn of your Albanian connection. Some of 'em wish they were world travelers. And I tell them, go, go, go. Never too late to explore the world and other cultures. --Jim Broede

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