Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thank gawd for the differences.

My Italian true love and I are different. From each other. In many ways. We are also similar. In many ways. But it's the differences that bring us together in the best ways, it seems to me. Because we balance each other. Make each other more whole. Because of our differences. Such as she being Italian. And I, American. She's a woman. I'm a man. She's younger. I'm older. It's almost as if we are of two different generations. Anyway, we find each other fascinating. Little wonder that we savor each other. We've connected. Unexpectedly. And we're evolving. Together. The most pleasurable experience of my life. I had no idea this was coming. After my wife Jeanne died of Alzheimer's five years ago, I assumed I'd just be marking time for the rest of my life. That I'd never fall in love again. But life has never been better. Because I've learned to allow life to just happen. One day at a time. I don't get ahead of myself. Or behind. I merely live life the way it was meant to be lived. In the moment. Now. So does my true love. In that respect, we are similar. --Jim Broede

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