Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Many clowns and court jesters.

I've noticed something about conservative politicians. They also seem to be quite religious. Not necessarily spiritual. But religious. They belong to Christian churches. Especially churches of fundamentalist and evangelical an pentacostal persuasion. Liberals, meanwhile, seem less religious and more spiritual. Many of 'em don't belong to churches. And if they do, it's usually liberal denominations. Liberals are far more likely than conservatives to be agnostics or atheists. That's my anecdotal observation. Maybe I'm wrong about this. But I don't think so. Of course, I'm looking at this from a liberal perspective. Because I'm a political liberal and a free-thinker on spirtual/religious matters. Yes, I admit to being biased. I'm drawn to liberal causes. Politically. Economically. Socially. And I'm uncomfortable with religious zealots. Though I try to accept and understand them. But often, I find myself laughing. Because I see their funny side. Hard to take them seriously. Though I know they are serious. Which is exactly what makes them most funny. Little wonder that the world seems strange. At least to me. Though I've learned to revere and love life. Including the far-flung characters that I encounter every day. Convinces me that god has a sense of humor. In that he created many clowns and court jesters. --Jim Broede

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