Saturday, June 9, 2012

Amazing, isn't it?

The people running the world are mostly nuts. Downright crazy. Often crazy in a bad sense. In negative ways. They don't mind being nasty. Mean-spirited. They'll even go to war. To get their way. And even if they don't go to war, they'll bicker. And threaten their own citizens. They covet power. Not sure that I'd say they love power. Because love is supposed to be something positive. Yes, lovely. And this quest for power ain't exactly lovely. Far from it. Maybe it's even a misnomer to say that someone loves money. One can covet money. But it ain't true love. Because love has to be nice. Hard for me to imagine wanting to domineer my true love. I'd rather let her be. Her natural self. I have to be able to accept her. Unconditionally. For true love. Powerbrokers don't love. They need to be in control. And in a position to manipulate events. Usually, to their selfish satisfaction. They want to do what's good for themselves, personally. And to hell with love. To hell with the common good. Maybe my perception makes me a cynic. But still, there's a paradox in all this. Because I'm a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover and a dreamer. I can't help it. I'm in love. With life. That compels me to find reason and moments every day to savor the notion of love. To embrace life. And to be thankful that I am an alive and conscious being. Able to grasp reality. And still be happy. Amazing, isn't it? --Jim Broede

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