Saturday, June 9, 2012


I have friends that should feel fulfilled. Should have a sense of accomplishment. Because they have completed a marathon, figuratively speaking. A rigorous phase of their lives. Maybe on the job. Or with another personal pursuit. I encourage them to think about all they've accomplished. Through ups and downs. They've hung in there. And did a good job of it. A life's marathon isn't easy. But they made a success of it. Stuck with it. Some of those friends have to start thinking more positively. About their accomplishments. Yes, I know they may be tired. Every marathoner should be feeling tired at the end of the race. But there should be a feeling of elation, too. For hanging in there. I encourage them to take a few days to lean back. And rest. And pat themselves on the back. For having coped with the rigors of a marathon. Life wasn't meant to be totally easy. But still, it should be fulfilling. They have reason to feel fulfilled. So, feel fulfilled, I tell them. Relish the feat. Celebrate! --Jim Broede

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