Saturday, July 14, 2012

A good detective finds out.

A bouquet of flowers was left at my back door yesterday. Immersed in a pail of water. And now I have the flowers -- yellow gladiolas -- in a blue vase on my desk. So nice. I don't know for sure who left the flowers. Though I have a hunch. Anyway, it's the kind of gesture one expects from true friends. Which means I have at least one. The flowers led to another bonus. Prompted me to connect with my Italian true love, on Skype (audio/video hook-up), in Sardinia. I showed her the flowers. But more important, I saw her beautiful countenance. In other words, I had myself an extra vision of loveliness. That's what she is. Now my true love wonders if I have a secret admirer. Because there was no note left with the flowers. But I'm a good detective. I'll find out. --Jim Broede

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