Sunday, July 15, 2012

I'm scared.

I sense a mean-spirtedness about certain people. Not all people. There are kind-hearted people, too. Maybe even more kindly souls and spirits than mean ones. I suspect the vast majority are more or less indifferent. Blase. In the middle. Not kind. Not mean. Neutral. Mean-spirited people scare me. Disappoint me, too. Make me sad. Because they try to make others miserable. One way or another. They persecute. Become grossly unfair. Unjust. Mean just for the sake of being mean. Seemingly intelligent and respectable people sometimes become mean. Swept up in social/political movements. Happened in Nazi Germany. Normally good people turned bad. The good thing is that some of 'em turned good again. Recognized their mistakes. Their drift to the dark side. Probably goes on everywhere. Even here in America. I'm seeing it in the political realm. America could easily go over the edge. Into the abyss. Where the mean-spirited prevail. For the moment. That's all it takes. A moment in time. Like it did in Nazi Germany. With cataclysmic results. I don't want that to happen in America. I dread the thought. Yes, the mean-spirited really do scare me. --Jim Broede

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