Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The sad truth: We've lost our way.

When it comes to politicians, I'm judgmental. Especially about Republicans. Many of 'em are the lowest form of life. Scumbags. Liars. Cheats. Yes, that's a pretty harsh judgment. And I may be unfair. Because there have to be some Republicans that are decent human beings. But there aren't very many in Congress. They all pretty much stick together. In obstructionist ways. Partisan as partisan can be. They really don't give a damn about what's best for America. Obama is the enemy. Because he ain't a Republican. And even fellow Republicans are enemies. Despising each other. Particularly, if they don't rigidly follow the party line. Objectivity isn't tolerated in the Republican ranks. But then, I suppose that's the inherent nature of politics. One rarely has a rational, fair-minded discussion about anything. And that ain't the right way to run a country. Little wonder that America is in trouble. In decline. I put the blame mosty on Republicans. But also on politicians in general. Doesn't matter the party. The Democrats are the lesser of the evils. And some of them are fair-minded, open-minded. A rarity in a politician of any stripe. Anyway, that's a serious dilemma. Because we invest politicians with significant power. Doesn't seem right. Allowing our lowest form of life to moreorless dictate the direction of the country. We need to put a fair-minded, non-political philosopher in charge. But that won't ever happen. Sad, isn't it? As a nation, we've lost our way. Our sense of fairness. Makes me wonder if we ever had it. --Jim Broede

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