Saturday, September 15, 2012

About as good as life gets.

Maybe it's my imagination. But I see people over-reacting. All over the world. To criticism. To snubs. Seems to me it's all so unnecessary. Personally, I've learned to take insults in stride. To not over-react. To get on with life. Without becoming angry. Oh, I get annoyed. But I stop short of over-reacting. Of becoming hostile. Or violent. Maybe it's that my skin has become as thick and solid as shining armor. I put it all in perspective. And I'm able to withdraw to my cocoon. Where I'm allowed to be in love. With my Italian true love. And with life, in general. I can do that. Even when I don't like everything going on in the world. But I recognize that I ain't god. That I have no control over many, many events. Therefore, I have to accept the world as it is. And try to make the best of it. Ain't always easy. But I believe in the impossible. That one can even walk on water. If one puts his mind to it. But better yet, one can fall in love. That's about as good as life gets. --Jim Broede

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