Saturday, September 1, 2012

What the GOP doesn't tell us.

I like to put matters in perspective. For instance, idiot Republicans blame Barack Obama for an unemployment rate of just over 8 percent. They say that's bad. And ample reason to replace the Obama administration in the upcoming presidential election. The Republicans neglect to tell us that when Obama took office four years ago, America was losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 a month. Yes, under George Bush. Under a Republican administration. That's the situation that Obama inherited. A near economic collapse of America. The worst economic times since the Great Depression. Compare that with today. No longer are we losing jobs. America is gaining jobs. Every month. Sure, it'd be nice if we had even more jobs. But it sure beats the hell out of losing 750,000 jobs a month. Fact is, Obama and his administration have performed near miracles. Pulling the nation back from the brink. Of course, there's still a long way to go. But to put the Republicans back in charge -- well, that's pure insanity. Absolutely ridiculous. It'd be handing back the power to the same idiots that got us into this mess in the first place. --Jim Broede

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