Sunday, October 21, 2012

When life becomes sticky.

I can choose to focus. On virtually anything. Positive stuff. Negative stuff. Mostly, I select things that make me happy. Because my primary mission is life is the pursuit of happiness.  Doesn't make sense to be unhappy. Yet, I know people that choose unhappiness. Instinctively. It's as if they wanna be unhappy. In a sense, unhappiness makes them happy. Yes, that's crazy. By my definition. But hey, to each his/her own. After all, I believe in freedom. Of choice. Even if one wants to commit suicide. I wouldn't recommend it. But also, I draw a line. It ain't right and proper to take other people's lives. I'm strongly opposed to murder. Even to capital punishment. Another thing I'm against. Lying politicians. That's why I won't vote for Mitt Romney. He's a liar. A pathological liar, I suspect. But I defend his right to lie. He's allowed to attempt to fool people. And people are allowed to be stupid. To accept his lies. To be bamboozled. Once again, I don't like it. I abhor it. But I believe in individual freedom. Everyone has a right to act like an idiot, imbecile or moron.  But then, there's a decent limit to everything. One musn't cause harm to others. And that's when life becomes sticky. In drawing lines. --Jim Broede

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