Friday, November 23, 2012

As I look him straight in the eyes.

I have an idea.  For a book.  I’ll write it someday. About Italy. And Italians. Things that I learned from bilingual Italians. The ones that speak English. Fluently and less fluently. They are a fascinating lot.  I need to rely on ‘em. Because I essentially speak and understand only English. Yes, that puts me at a disadvantage. Either I learn fluent Italian. Which is unlikely at my age.  Or I take advantage of the English speakers. And I have the gall to do that. It’s the relatively easy way for a lazy American. I’m fascinated by Italians. Enough so to write a book. Which really takes substantial effort. Dedication. Drive. Makes me seem not so lazy after all, doesn’t it? I want my book to be very different. Not sure how to do that. But I’m innovative. I’ll find a way. Some of the stuff will be personal observations. Just from watching Italians. Without understanding exactly what they are saying. For instance, I’ve noticed that while ambling down streets, Italians are less likely than Americans to make eye contact with me. Makes me wonder why. I suspect Italians have a higher respect for privacy. More so than the typical American. Italians don’t want to intrude on strangers. Makes Italians seem less friendly. When really that ain’t so. Especially after one gets to know Italians. They are as friendly as can be. Maybe I catch more eye contact from strangers in America because I subconsciously send out receptive signals. We speak the same language.  Maybe the Italian senses that I don’t speak Italian. That I’m not one of them. That’s one of the questions I’ll ask an English-speaking Italian. As I look him/her straight in the eyes.  –Jim Broede  

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